European day of equal pay

European day of equal pay

The differences in wages between women and men are already in the short term and the unjust, unjustified and unacceptable. But in the long term these differences during a woman’s career, and still result in accumulating a substantial difference in pension income: pensions of women on average are 39 percent less than the pension of men. Today published the results of the consultations of the Commission on equality between women and men have shown that Europeans pay gap difference are considered the most inequality that needs to be rectified.

In Europe there are laws on equal pay, but the Member States do not spend enough on the field. Last year, the European Commission sent the Member States a recommendation about resolving differences in salaries. The European Commission, Member States, bodies, local authorities and other stakeholders, provides support to help them in changing the situation on the ground. But last year achieved little or nothing. Except that the women we must guarantee equal pay on the labour market, we need to allow them access to the labour market and in the same amount of time as well as men. Shorter time in the labor market increases the difference in pensions. That’s the question at the same way of thinking and an opportunity.

In its work programme for the 2016. The European Commission lists the measures that will be taken to the employees with their parents, and people who care about the disabled family members to facilitate the reconciliation of family and career. This time, it will be with an initiative addressing the lack of access to affordable accessible babysitting, an inflexible work hours and a lack of incentives for men to take greater responsibility for the care of family members. The current dynamics of the reduction in the pay gap between the sexes is so slow that we will have to wait for another seventy years to achieve the gender equality – it’s not just one of generations, but two. The difference in salaries concerns all and everyone will be a winner if we remove it. It is time that this difference disappears.

Data for Croatia are located here