1 million dollars for the jailbreak the latest iOS

1 million dollars for the jailbreak the latest iOS

The security company Zerodium announced a reward for the jailbreakanje iOS 9.1, and the winner of the contest worth $ 1 million.

The company Zerodium was established in July this year and deals with the somewhat unusual job – search for undiscovered security (zero-day) security flaws in various software solutions, and are then sold to interested parties. In order to attract attention to their business there's a contest for developers and hackers who want to try your hand at jailbreakanju the latest Appleovogmobilnog of the operating system — iOS 9.1.

As a reward for a successful jailbreak software (functional, exclusive and is available through a web browser) even offered one million us dollars. Contest is over 31. October, and according to the information transmitted by the media was successful – Zerodium is paid above a million dollars once the successful hacker.

This is the jailbreak reportedly can be run through a visit to a particular web page, how is the competition and demanded, and in Zerodiumu are hoping that their expensive paid discovery well and cashed. Potential customers are, among other things, the various intelligence agencies. From the Zerodiuma argue that this jailbreak affects both the beta version of iOS and 9.2.
