According to preliminary data from the Central Bank on the balance of the Republic of Croatia, the balanc ...
In the third quarter of 2015. year, the surplus in the account of current transactions 3.9 billion. Euro
In the third quarter of 2015. year, the surplus in the account of current transactions 3.9 billion. Euro
U trećem tromjesečju 2015. godine višak na računu tekućih transakcija 3,9 mlrd. eura
U trećem tromjesečju 2015. godine višak na računu tekućih transakcija 3,9 mlrd. eura
' I invite Petrova to face, let's see who's telling the truth '
' I invite Petrova to face, let's see who's telling the truth '
‘Pozivam Petrova da se suočimo, da vidimo tko govori istinu’
‘Pozivam Petrova da se suočimo, da vidimo tko govori istinu’
President of Grabar-kitarovic, visited the largest military camp in Minnesota
President of Grabar-kitarovic, visited the largest military camp in Minnesota
Predsjednica Grabar-Kitarović obišla najveći vojni kamp u Minnesoti
Predsjednica Grabar-Kitarović obišla najveći vojni kamp u Minnesoti
"We agreed on the formation of the Government, about the names we will next week '
"We agreed on the formation of the Government, about the names we will next week '
‘Dogovorili smo ustroj vlade, o imenima ćemo drugi tjedan’
‘Dogovorili smo ustroj vlade, o imenima ćemo drugi tjedan’