A fall in the number of employed in September

A fall in the number of employed in September

Watching the movement of the number of persons in paid employment in legal entities, according to NKD, the largest annual drop in employment in September was recorded in activity construction (which employs 6% of persons in paid employment in legal entities) where he recorded 3202 employed persons less than in the same month last year (a decline of 4.4%) while on a monthly level, their number for 0.6% lower. Also, the number of employees in the activities of the shops (which employs about 16% of total employees) in September has been reduced to 2237 persons compared to the same month last year (a decline of 1.2%), i.e. 1.1% is lower compared to the previous month. Follows a fall in the number of employees in the manufacturing industry (which employs 18% of all persons in paid employment in legal entities) where it is employed in September 196,334 of the person which is less person 1603 than in the same month last year (a decline of 0.8%), while on the on a monthly level decreased by 0.4%. At the same time, in September was recorded an annual increase in the number of employees in the service industry, which is primarily a reflection of the good tourist season. Therefore, the number of employees in the accommodation and food service activities j information and communication in September rose to 2402 compared to last year’s September (3.7%) while on a monthly level decreased by 3.5%.

Negative trends in the movement of the number of employees manifest in cumulative data for the first nine months of this year. In fact, in the period from January to September, the average number of employees is lower for 0.9% in relation to same month of 2014. In addition, the worrying is information about a strong decline in the number of active population which in September reached a historic minimum (1,605,141 people).