Germany launched an initiative "buy the Balkan"

Germany launched an initiative "buy the Balkan"

"We found a completely new possibilities for the development of our business." So reads one of the responses of a number of German businessmen who are participating in the program "Einkaufsinitiative Balkan" (initiative for the purchase of goods from the Balkans).

The initiative was launched as a result of last year's Conference on the Western Balkans in Berlin, and its initiators are the German logističara Association and the firm for the purchase of BME, Germany economic and trade DIHK Chamber of Commerce and the Government in Berlin. The aim of the initiative is to connect directly, manufacturers from the region of the Western Balkans with potential buyers, i.e. enterprises from Germany, Deutsche Welle writes.

This past June was so in Munich was held and a Special Conference, where is BME organized more than 400 direct talks "in private" between the potential partners. In separate meetings almost 100 selected companies from the area of the Western Balkans presented in front of 22 potential partners from Germany. Over the past few months are those companies from BiH, Serbia and Croatia have received 170 concrete query of German customers.

"Companies from the Balkans that emerged at the Conference were great, some prepared their representatives have spoken and our German businessmen were pleasantly surprised. Especially good impression they have left from one State representatives to which no one seriously didn't count – it is about I. This State has a greater potential than was expected, "tiko said Olaf Holzgrefe from Association of BME, which stresses that have already signed deals to the tune of several hundred thousand euros.

Highlights and that the potential exists in the segments where it is necessary to do a technical processing of materials, primarily in the metal-processing industry. Autoindustrija Germany is, of course, a big potential customer, but at this time there are more realistic targets: "Chance is a collaboration with a medium-sized German firms, in investments in the development of new segments of production, in the investment in the qualification of its own workforce and in mastering certain production processes."

"We have to be reliable. That the agreements must be yet complied. In case of any problems, then it needs and communicate, concede, because the Germans and they respect it. It's a lot better than what our ' come on, ba, be, and it's gone. That our ' can do it, ba, to PAS's very used to us costs a lot of money, "said Muamer Babajić, owner of the company Masterwerk from Munich, which is after the Conference in Munich has already signed deals with companies from Serbia, and negotiations with companies from BiH are still in progress.
