In a living wall of political turbulence

In a living wall of political turbulence

John S warned through Facebook how is part of the people inside the Living wall tried to take over the management of the party.

The status of the transfer in its entirety:

“Dear members, supporters and voters,

Driven by recent events we have to notify the active membership that is part of the people within the Party attempted to take over the management of the organization. When that failed, they decided to separate, and have taken over the site and the groups on which they were administrators. New pages have been set up, and will soon be the new coordinators for the pilfered affiliates.

Once the party be consolidated will be intra-party elections scheduled that will propose to the party, instead of the current 5, leads to one President, that will be the same when you choose, and you will be elected the new party NAKED. Of course, with people who have other Lives with wail. Those who are separated, we want happy journey.

Our goal is to develop a stable and homogeneous structure of the party, and we know we will succeed, because our actions demonstrate that we are on the right track.

We must also be noted that behind the page of the kidnapped stands only 1-2 man, such as Zadar or Sisak-Moslavina, while the entire organization of the other faithful Living wall. A story that is based on lies, the setbacks, fabrications, rovarenjima, pillaging and page space, spread rumors, harassment of membership-you really must have a happy ending.

Also, there are stories that I’m leaving the Living wall. Those are lies. I’m not going anywhere, my heart is with the party I have worked for and for which I live. With all of those voters and 95000 with program works that I’ve sacrificed everything. Ivan Pernar and other colleagues, they gave the Co-Presidents of the resignation on their functions, and we have given so far, keeping Alive the wall. All remain active members and fighters. So it will be up to the elections that will take place through 2 months ago and on which the Assembly will decide who will lead the living wall.

Thank you for for years with us, thank you for your commentary, advice and the idea. Thank you follow with us all of the eviction and pray for a happy ending, which share our posts and you are helping to spread the truth.

Thanks to a colleague Pernaru started one a story like this, because without him there would be no today me, and after all, he retired with high function.

I wish you all a happy new year and all the best, “he wrote in the post.