NASA discovered the maps: here's when and how it will populate the humans on Mars

NASA discovered the maps: here's when and how it will populate the humans on Mars

With this in mind, it was released a detailed, in a three-stage plan, which divided the describes how, when, and how people will get there, and also deals with the infrastructure and technologies that will be needed for that.

The first stage

The first unit refers to the research on the international space station (ISS) and in fact is already in progress. They're testing the various technologies required for future mission to Mars, such as 3D printers, the new communication methods and systems for the maintenance of life. Also, the astronauts with its long-lasting staying on the ISS in examining the endurance of the human body and psyche in such extreme situations.

The second stage

After the completion of the construction of the missile, the SLS (Space Launch System), will begin the second phase of the project. This is the basis of all the rocket of the future of the American Mission in deep space, and so those aimed k Mars. The plan envisages the use of rockets and Orion capsules, the corresponding with the crew out of the Earth's gravitational embrace, specifically in the lunar orbit. In the foreground is a series of missions, the most remarkable of which is the lowering of the people on the asteroid. NASA – we have already mentioned – during the 2020-them plans to divert an asteroid in orbit around the Moon, where it will visit the astronauts.

The third stage of the

Most units of the plan implies a trip to Mars, which is already at the end of 2030 years ago plans to permanently settle the people. This venture will be based both on the previously acquired experience, as well as on international cooperation. The trip to Mars is, namely, an extraordinary set of. Participation of other countries (first of all the traditional partners, Europe and Japan) it is more than desirable, which would partly reduce the costs. The European Space Agency ESA has already participates in the development of Orion, and is considering cooperation with Russia – despite the existing frictions between the United States and Russia, cooperation in space is flawless – and even China, which explores the universe of stride.

Source: NASA/