The Faculty of educational and educational science in Osijek in the academic year 2015./2016.godini organ ...
ENROLLMENT in the course: Pedagogic-psychological and didactic-methodical training
ENROLLMENT in the course: Pedagogic-psychological and didactic-methodical training
UPISI U TIJEKU: Pedagoško-psihološka i didaktičko-metodička izobrazba
UPISI U TIJEKU: Pedagoško-psihološka i didaktičko-metodička izobrazba
Log on to the Viroexpo 2016.
Log on to the Viroexpo 2016.
Prijave na Viroexpo 2016.
Prijave na Viroexpo 2016.
The indicative annual plan the publication of tenders
The indicative annual plan the publication of tenders
Indikativni godišnji plan objave natječaja
Indikativni godišnji plan objave natječaja
The largest of the economy this year will refinancirat 7 trillion dollar deficit
The largest of the economy this year will refinancirat 7 trillion dollar deficit
Najveće ekonomije refinancirat će ove godine 7 bilijuna dolara duga
Najveće ekonomije refinancirat će ove godine 7 bilijuna dolara duga
Calls for resignation
Calls for resignation
Pozivi na ostavku
Pozivi na ostavku